ND-Neutral Density Photography
Grand Prix - Professional Winners
Gran Premio - Ganador profesional
ND Photographer of the year - Fotografo del año
Drew Gardner
"The Descendants of Black civil war combatants"
Grand Prix - Non Professional Winners
Gran Premio - Ganador No Profesional
ND discovery of the year - Descubrimiento del año
Victoria Ruiz
Flores para tu altar
Professional Winners - Ganador Profesional
Architecture - Arquitectura
Photographer of the year - Fotógrafo del año
1Antony Zacharias - "Night at the Red Wall"
Bridges - Puentes
1 - Scott Reither
"Silent Crossing"
2 - KaFrank Peters
"Longing for the End"
3 - Seo In Cho
"Crossing the Sea"
Buildings - Edificios
1 - Yousif Albadi
"The Link"
2 - Stephan Zirwes
"Village of appearances"
3 - Peter Cech
"Golden Masarycka"
Cityscapes - Paisajes urbanos
1 - Eric Renard
"Slice of Light""
2 - Lorenzo Vitali
"Reappearing Venice"
3 - Hilda Champion
"Nights in Manhattan"
1 - Franco Casaccia
"In Orbit - K21"
2 - Nina Baisch
"Chapel Oberbechingen"
3 - Wei Wei
"The Sound Stone"
Other - Otros
1 - Antony Zacharias
"Night at the Red Wall"
2 - Guido Klumpe
"Hidden Connections"
3 - Albrecht Voss
"Eternal Echoes:
Light and Shadow of the Wind"
Alain Schroeder - "Plastic Treasure"
Daily Life - Vida cotidiana
1 - Joel Brian Pratley
"Waters Edge"
2 - Tebani Slade
"Bangla Road, Life After Dark"
3 - Isabella Franceschini
"Pink Hops"
Documentary - Documental
1 - Trevor Cole
"Symbiosis in South Sudan"
2 - Ludovica Limido
"The doll next door"
3 - Polina Soyref
"Daily life in a youth detention center for boys in Northern Russia"
1 - Alain Schroeder
"Plastic Treasure"
2 - Pranab Aich
"Hills of Ignorance"
3 - Alain Schroeder
"Climate Injustice"
General News - Noticias generales
1 - Alberto Ma
"Forests for Future"
2 - Austin Bueno Bueno
"Resilence in flames"
3 - Sheng Wei Chou
"National Day of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
1 - Alessia Santambrogio
"The female figure in opera. mirror of a timeless reality"
2 - Kate Hrynko
"Midnight Express"
"At-Sea Fire Party"
Photo Essay / Story
Ensayo fotográfico/Historia
1 - Armineh Johannes
"War, tears and Displacement- Karabagh/Artsakh"
2 - Lasse Bak Mejlvang
"Sleeping With Ghosts"
3 - Mauro De Bettio
"Locked in limbo"
Sports - Deportes
1 - Andre Magarao
"Searching for Light"
2 - Stefan Haworth
"Finding Light"
3 - Gabriel Holguin
" Underwater Multiverse"
Fine Art - Bellas Artes
1 - Sandra Cattaneo Adorno - "Ten Years"
Abstract - Abstracto
1 - Olga Volianska
"Faded Ice"
3 - Bevil Templeton-Smith
"Looking Closer"
1 - Betina Samaia -
"India - Memories of What I Have Never Seen"
2 - Juliana González
"The Visitor"
3 - Rohit Rattan
Landscape - Paisaje
1 - Hans Strand
"Strand-Hans-Olive Monoculture"
2 - Francis Leroy
"Shifting sand, beach dream"
3 - Crauwels Thomas
"Breithorn - Impermanence Glaciaire"
Nudes - Desnudos
1 - Pavlo Protsenko
"Web Of Lies"
2 - Dave McEllistrum
3 - Sonka Skerik
1 - Sandra Cattaneo Adorno
"Ten Years"
2 - Patty Carroll
"Anonymous Women- Domestic "Demise
3 - Diane Allford
"Fashion Collage Interpretation"
1 - Michaela Haider
2 - Ana Priscila Rodriguez
"Home Sweet Home"
3 - Betina Samaia
Nature - Naturaleza
William Fortescue - "Romance is Dead"
Aerial - Aerea
1 - Roland Blum
"A Kind of Blue Series 2"
2 - Paul Lichte
"Tropical Desert"
3 - Daniel Reiter
"Yellowstone the colors of the earth"
Landscapes - Paisajes
1 - Marcello Niccodemi
"Land of destructors"
2 - Matthias Conrad
"Lights, Shadows, and Glaciers"
3 - Kieran Brimson
" Antarctica Half Dome"
1 - Guylaine Couttolenc
2 - Oksana Omelchuk
"The Garden of My Tenderness"
3 - Fenqiang Liu
"The Conversation"
Seascapes / Waterscapes
Paisajes Marinos/Acuáticos
1 - Alessandro Tagliapietra
2 - Mirja Geh
"Yin & Yang"
3 - Wei Lian
"Northern California Coastline"
Trees - Arboles
1 - Stephan Zirwes
2 - Samuel Feron
"The Beauty of Swamp Trees"
Underwater - Bajo el agua
1 - Jono Allen
"Deep Window"
2 - Suliman Alatiqi
!The Sea Life of the Crab-eating Macaque"
3 - Daniel Flormann
Wildlife - Fauna
William Fortescue
"Romance is Dead"
2 - Marcello Galleano
"Reflections in the Night"
3 - Greg Du Toit
"The Enchated Forest"
People - Gente
Photographer of the year
Fotógrafo del año
Elena Paraskeva - "Untitled"
Children - Niños
1 - Elena Paraskeva
2 - Lowska A Brandis
"Never let me go"
3 - Hugo Kevelaer
Fashion/Beauty - Moda/Belleza
1 - Brian Sassmann
"The Gift of Solitude"
2 - Paul Clichy
"For next generations"
3 - Caspar Arnhold
1 - Maria Semmer
"Dream Ballad XXIII"
2 - Anna Aita
"The Sun and the Moon"
3 - Sandrine Butot
"Hidden bodies"
Portrait - Retrato
1 - Lennard Grohn
"Promise fulfilled"
2 - Elena Turina
"Regal Resonance: The Silent Sonata of Scarlet"
3 - Alena Grom
"Stolen Spring"
Self Portrait - Auto Retrato
1 - Matej Dereck Hard
"Profession: Woman"
2 - Brian Gilwee
"Third Eye"
3 - Refat Mamutov
"A breath of wind: Self-portrait"
Street Photography
Fotografia Callejera
1 - Nina Papiorek
2 - Piotr Nalewjka
"Geometyry Of Loneliness"
Tebani Slade
"Bubble Fun"
Travel/Culture - Viajes/Cultura
1 - France Leclerc
"Charreada, a stylish rodeo!"
2 - Roberto Pazzi
"The Kings of the Mountains"
3 - Ru Fang Dong
"Sacred and Fearless"
Wedding/Family - Boda /Familia
1 - Diana Trillo
2 - Fiorella Baldisseri
"A family cinema"
3 - Michael Dorohovich
"Unique families of the Roma community of Keldelar"
Special - Especial
Advertising - Publicidad
1 - Zili Zhang
"Four Seasons on Plates"
2 - Antonio Coelho
"Weaknesses of the oceans"
3 - Daniel Haeker
Analog /Film - Analógico/Película
1 - Drew Gardner
2 - Marcin Pławnicki
"Out of touch"
3 - Jaime Travezán
"Male Nude"
Drone photography
Fotografía con Drones
1 - Yevhen Kostiuk
Sport: Colors & Shades
2 - Monish Mansharamani
"Forced Adaptation"
3 - Mirja Geh
Golden Water
Long Exposure - Exposición larga
1 - Frank Peters
"Zeeland Minimalism"
2 - Anna Archinger
"Spirit in the Dark"
3 - Scott Reither
Mobile Photography
Fotografía con Tlf. Móvil
1 - Antonio Denti
"A Day in Town"
2 - Kat Rosaen
"The Blur of Mileage"
"Perfect Match"
Night Photography
Fotografía nocturna
1 - Carlotta Roda
"Metamorphosis of the Universe"
2 - Egor Goryachev
"Nights under the Southern Sky"
3 - Marcio Cabral
Open Theme - Tema abierto
1 - Andi Balogh
"In Soulscapes"
2 - Ryan Dyer
"Dutch Still Life"
3 - Luciano Sergiacomo "Trasumance"
Panoramic - Panorámica
1 - Brittany Hicken
"Panoramic United States Abstracted"
2 - Nathan Myhrvold
"Grand Canyon in Light and Shadow"
3 - Miguel Franco Botticelli "Incredible Isle of Skye, Scotland"
Non-Professional Winners
Ganador No Profesional
Fotógrafo del año
Tommy Goguely
"Erased (Palimpsest III)"
1 - Jim Scott
- Fotógrafo del año
2 - Jana Hoffmann
"Flying high"
- Fotógrafo del año callejera
3 - Manfred Gruber
"Venice Bridges"
1 - Tommy Goguely
"Erased (Palimpsest III)"
2 - Aleksi Kuitunen
"Conrete Mushrooms"
3 - Ursula Reinke
1 - Urs Renggli
"Venice reduced"
2 - Yi Ning
3 - Steffen Reichardt
"NYC Manhattan"
1 - Sue Trower
"Curves and Swirls"
2 - Anthony Sala
"The last confession"
3 - Marieke Berkelaar
"Secrets to Yesterday"
1 - Katja Leschnikowski
"Walking in the Golden Hou"
2 - Mauro Caviezel
"Into The Void"
3 - Ieva Gaile
"Urban Canvas"
Diana Cheren Nygren - "Mother Earth"
1 - Rob Blanken
"The wonderful world of crystal formation"
2 - Patrik Fica
3 - Kanstantsin Fatseyeu
1 - Diana Cheren Nygren
"Mother Earth"
- Fotógrafo del año
Especial, Fotografía callejera
2 - Jairo Alvarez
3 - Nicolas Bigot
"Assisted by AI"
1 - Rolf Hillert
rafía callejera
2 - Patrick Ems
"Arctic Silence 5"
3 - Mariano Belmar Torrecilla "Quipar de niebla y agua"
1 - Maeve Moayedi
"Healing Dualisms"
- Fotógrafo del añ
2 - Salvatore Montemagno
"The red curtain"
33 - Piotr Kwit - "Inside"
1 - Nadja Rentzsch
"Poison or gift"
2 - Charles Chao Wang
"Nobody Spaces"
- Fotógrafo del añ callejera
3 - Luca Menotti
Photomanipulation Fotomanipulación
1 - Galit Meushar
"In the eye of the hair"
2 - Giorgio Bormida
"Dreams II"
3 - Monse Guajardo
"Lamento, Solo Para ver el Atardecer"
Gerhard Bamler - "Snowdrifts"
1 - Kateryna Polishchuk
"Winter blues"
2 - Patrycja Dzianok
"Eye of the volcano"
3 - Matteo Strassera
"Icelandic River - Aerial View"
Flowers - Flores
1 - Anastasia AS
2 - Bea Berg
3 - Angi Wallace
"The Essence of Flowers"
1 - Gerhard Bamler
2 - Matteo Strassera
3 - Thibault Gerbaldi
"Volcanic Echoes"
1 - Bogdan Mieżyński
"Many Faces of Bismuth"
2 - Panagiotis Dalagiorgos "Weight of motherhood"
3 - Anna Matczuk
"Macro Universe"
1 - Svitlana Zarytska
"The Victory of Spring"
2 - Izabella Sapuła
"Willows rustling"
3 - Carlos Ramiro
"Save Ocean Turtle"
1 - Sasank Sasikumar
"A Study in Time"
2 - Petr Polách
"Mayan Underworld"
- Fo
tógrafo del año
3 - Paquita Martos
"The Hidden Beauty of the Anoia River"
1 - Carole Reboul
"Night and White"
2 - Jim Guerard
"Parting the Wa"
3 - Selcuk Ozdil
"Three tree"
1 - Thomas Nicholson
"A mother's love"
2 - Malini Chandrasekar
3 - Patrick Ems
Eva Chupikova - "Anna"
1 - Kerrie Burow
"Sarah's Underwater World"
2 - Marcin Pech
"Will tomorrow come"
3 - Barbara Leoni
Family/Wedding - Familia/Boda
1 - Apostolos Kaloudis
"Le Chant de l'Aigle (Ardabek & Ordabek, The Twins)"
2 - Thibault Gerbaldi
"Lift Me Up"
3 - Yuxuan Sun
"Explorable Memories Stream"
1 - Kayla Palmer
"Modern Prince"
2 - Gabriela Niżnik
"Feathered Embrace"
3 - Kirill Muniabin
1 - Andrii Radevych
"Dementia project: the story of my Granddad"
2 - Marc Apers
"Missing Identitiy"
3 - Mariano Belmar Torrecilla
"En el jardin de invierno"
1 - Eva Chupikova
2 - Bel Seouf
3 - Luca OnnisWhispers of Resilience
Self-Portrait - Autorretrato
1 - Siobhan Costigan
"When It Rains"
2 - Agnieszka Ostrowska
"hidden in nature"
3 - Rachele Gabrielli
"Velvet & Velvet"
Fotografia de Calle
1 - Timar Andreas
"People trapped in geometric shapes"
2 - Giancarlo Zuccarone
"Maroc mon amour"
3 - Esther Garrison
“Souls in Transit”
1 - Josef Buergi
"The Animal Migration"
2 - Mustafa AbdulHadi
3 - Barry Crosthwaite
"Stepwell Series"
1 - Victoria Ruiz - "Flores para tu altar"
Analog / Film - Analógico/Película
1 - Renzo Cicillini
"Evening Peace"
2 - Brosowski Roman
3 - Arek Akki
"Unwanted memories"
Fotografía con Tlf. Movíl
"Shadow basketball III"
2 - Laurent Guigue
"The eye"
3 - Reinier Snijders
"Birds Eye Hong Kong"
Long Exposure - Larga Exposición
1 - Ulana Switucha
2 - Rolandas Urbonavicius
"Playa de Vallina, Spain"
3 - Violette Eric
"Seawater Pool"
Fotografia con Movil
1 - Morgane Coltel
"Dancing lights"
2 - Carlo Traini
"Anima naturae"
3- Pierre de La Saussay
"Elsen nuur"
Fotografía nocturna
1 - Kavan Chay
"Endless Spiral"
2 - Nicolò Taborra
"Tears from the sky"
3 - Asako Naruto
"Night Blues"
Open Theme
Tema Abierto
1 - Victoria Ruiz
"Flores para tu altar"
2 - Aubry Schaefer
"Dust, saints and tears"
3 - Květa Trčková
"The Play of Light and Absurdity"
1 - Regine Jensen
"Moving In Time"
2 - Aumiller Sonia
"Nori Farm II"
3 - Nicolò Taborra
1 - João Coelho
"The iron quest"
2 - Fan Chen
"Moving lifeline"
3 - João Coelho
"Children of a forgotten world"
Mis Colecciones
- Soldados de Plomo
- Reyes Guanches
- Mi Discoteca
- Último disco comprado
- Premios de la música
- Mi biblioteca
- Último libro comprado
- Premios de Literatura
- Premios de fotografia