The British Photography Awards

Architect - Arquitectura

Tom Knowles - "Die Gesellschaft der Zukunft"

Birdlife - Aves

Claire Waring - "At the feet of the Emperor"

Commercial Product - Producto Comercial

Neville Mountford-Hoare - "Neville Mountford-Hoare"

Documentary - Documental

Philip Tomlinson - "Stop the War Protester"

Drone - Dron

Edward Hasler - "Humpback Whales in the Ice"

Event - Eventos

Monika Mazurkiewicz - "Digital Content"

Fashion - Moda

Amanda Akokhia -"Joy"

Fine Art - Bellas Artes

Madoka Takei - "The Wine Maid"

Land Animal - Animales Terrestres

Edwin Godinho - The day of the jackal 

Landscape - Paisajes

Christopher Harrison - "Bluebells at Sunrise"


Jamie Thorpe - "Organic robot"

Pet & Domesticated Animal

Mascotas y Animales "Domesticados

Rachel Hendrie - "Nothing To See Here"

Portrait - Retratos

Nicholas MIllson - "Emanuel"

Sports - Deportes

Scott Salt - "Hyperspace"

Self Portrait - Auto Retrato

Grant Mansfield -" Running In An Urban Jungle"

Street - Calle

Helen Trust - "The ticket office"

Water Life - Vida en el Agua

Alex Stead - "Curiosityhirst"

Wedding - Bodas

Wai Chung Cheung - "You Raise Me Up"

Food & Drink - Comida y Bebida

Costas Millas - "Wrap Yourself Around Me"

Low Light - Poca Luz

Rhiannon Phillips - "A Solitary Encounte"

Mobile Photography Awards

Premios de fotografía móvil

Retrato (incluidos selfies) - Retrato (incluidos selfies)

Dotun -"Dalmatian Dreamscape"

People's Choice -

Elección de Publico

Landscape - Paisaje

Hayden - "Hiking in the clouds"

Night Scenes - Escenas nocturnas

Alexander Howard - "The Evening Rush"

Food & Drink - Comida y bebida

Margaret Jaszowska - "Flesh lemon juice"

Pet - Mascota

Ross Paget - "Bath Night"

Zoom In -  Dar un golpe de zoom

Sarah Smith - "Queen V"

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